Cathy Olinger - Concert Band Director
Cathy Olinger received her Bachelor of Music degree with Graduate work at California State University, Long Beach. She has taught all levels of instrumental and choral music. As the founding Director of Instrumental Music program at Tesoro High School in the Capistrano
Uni&ed School District she developed a comprehensive Music Department with over 500 students enrolled in the music department. In 2015 Tesoro High School was recognized as a GRAMMY Signature School for its consistent level of excellence in all facets of its music program, making it one of only &ve high school programs na/onwide to receive the award. As a conductor and clinician, Mrs. Olinger has served as a guest conductor, clinician and adjudicator throughout California. She was honored to conduct the All Southern California Middle School Honor Orchestra Conductor in 1999 and 2015 and is currently serving as a Vice President on the board of directors for the Southern California School Band and Orchestra Associa/on – one of the largest regional music organiza/on in California. She has been recognized as an Educator of the Year for the California League of High Schools, a recipient of the Irene Schoep7e Award for dis/nguished contribu/ons in Orange County Music Educa/on, and the Encore Award for outstanding achievement in Music Educa/on. Most recently, she received the SCSBOA Honorary Life Membership. Currently, Mrs. Olinger works at CSULB in the music educa/on department as s student teacher supervisor and instructor for instrument methods classes. From working with the &nest ensembles on the west coast to one-on-one coaching in the classroom, Mrs. Olinger sets high standards for achievement and musical excellence. She is a passionate advocate of music educa/on who provides opportunity for students to develop an apprecia/on of music with the skills and discipline necessary for achieving musical success throughout a life/me of experiences |