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Name of school attending 2020-2021 year & school address(Street, City, State & Zip Code)::
If there is anything you believe we need to be aware of while processing your application (i.e. medical/dietary/special accommodations please tell us). You may request sharing a room with friends here:
Are you aware of any scholarships being sent to Wildwood on your behalf towards your tuition(school boosters/private award/benefactor):
Did you audition and participate in any Honors Bands or Orchestra, The CMEA All State Honor Band or Orchestra or the CBDA All State Honor Bands? If you auditioned and participated in a County Honor Band or Orchestra this year please list it here as well.
All students receive a Wildwood T-shirt. T-shirts come in adult sizes small through extra large. Please indicate your size(S/M/L/XL/XXL):
Maximum of 3 characters
Do you know of 3 or more other students attending from your school/group/private teacher? If so please tell us in detail.
Are you a returning Wildwood student or new(Y or N):
Maximum of 1 character
Private Teachers Name and best way to contact (email or phone) please include how many years with private teacher (if none type "none"):
School Teachers Name(if none type "none"):
Grade Next September
Maximum of 2 characters
Name of school attending 2019-2020 year and school address(Street, City, State & Zip Code)::
Student's Legal First & Last Name
Parent/Guardian Phone(home/cell/work):
Parent/Guardian Email:
Home Address(Street, City, State & Zip Code):
Parent/Guardian Name(Relationship):
Primary Instrument and number of years played:
Gender(M or F):
Maximum of 1 character
Date of Birth(MM/DD/YYYY):
Which Session are you applying to attend? Intermediate or Senior?
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About Wildwood Music Associates
Featured Alumni
Annual Camp Photos
Contact Us
Directions to Our Summer Home - CCF
Faculty & Staff
In Memoriam