Student Rules & Regulations
Welcome to Wildwood. So that we may make your stay at Wildwood an enjoyable and worthwhile experience, it is necessary to have a few guidelines. We are concerned for your health and well being. We expect you to use common sense and courtesy as you conduct yourself during your stay.
1. Wildwood is a closed campus. Permission to leave must be approved by parents(on Permit to Transport Form) and be approved by the Director. Your Counselor and Dean(s) must be notified when leaving and upon return. Guests should check in at the office. Students are not permitted to drive while attending Wildwood.
2. The daily schedule is posted in the dorms and followed by everyone unless excused by the Deans(s) of Students. Please no practice before breakfast or after taps.
3. Your badge, received at registration, is your personal identification and your meal ticket. You are required to wear it on your person in an easily identifiable place at all times.
4. Rooms/Cabins are expected to be cleaned before breakfast and will be inspected daily. Students share housekeeping duties. In the interest of privacy and good manners, Girls quarters are off limits to Boys and Boys quarters are off limits to Girls at all times.
5. Dress in accordance with the activity. Shoes and shirts, blouses or tops must be worn for protection and health. Performance dress includes dresses, skirt and blouse, dress shirts with jacket or sweaters depending on the weather. Please see packing guidelines for suggestions on what to bring.
6. Meals will be served in the dining hall only during meal hours. Food is not permitted in living quarters. Please no "Care Packages" as they attract insects and rodents. The snack bar is opened daily at two different scheduled periods. Food is to be eaten only in designated snack areas and trash disposed of properly.
7. In case of illness, contact your counselor or coach, the nurse or the Dean(s) of Students.
8. Banking hours are maintained daily near the Nature Center. We strongly recommend that students deposit any spending money they bring with them to camp in the bank for safe keeping.
9. Conservation is everyone's business. Turn out lights, save water, pick up litter, and be careful to keep clothing away from heaters.
10. Use or possession of tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, or chemical substances is strictly forbidden. Those who violate this rule are subject to immediate dismissal from Wildwood.
11. All student medications must be registered with the nurse/doctor at the time of student check in. For the safety of our students we can not allow these substances to remain unsupervised in student quarters. Medications will be administered as instructed to students in a discreet manner.
12. Telephone Communication and Usage:The Wildwood Staff encourages parents to send cards and letters. Students enjoy receiving written communication from parents during mail call. Mail is picked up and distributed Monday through Saturday.
A. Since there is only one phone available, students are encouraged not to phone home except in emergencies or by pre-arrangement with the Dean(s). This allows students to make new friends and become fully engaged in the music, recreation and living program.
B. Due to demand for phone time, calls will be limited to two minutes and monitored (Not eaves dropped) in a sense of fairness. Pre-arranged phone calls can be requested by parents at the time of registration.
C. Wildwood Does Not permit students to use Mobile/Cellular/Smart phones or other internet devices while we are in session. We request that these items be left at home for the duration of camp.
1. Wildwood is a closed campus. Permission to leave must be approved by parents(on Permit to Transport Form) and be approved by the Director. Your Counselor and Dean(s) must be notified when leaving and upon return. Guests should check in at the office. Students are not permitted to drive while attending Wildwood.
2. The daily schedule is posted in the dorms and followed by everyone unless excused by the Deans(s) of Students. Please no practice before breakfast or after taps.
3. Your badge, received at registration, is your personal identification and your meal ticket. You are required to wear it on your person in an easily identifiable place at all times.
4. Rooms/Cabins are expected to be cleaned before breakfast and will be inspected daily. Students share housekeeping duties. In the interest of privacy and good manners, Girls quarters are off limits to Boys and Boys quarters are off limits to Girls at all times.
5. Dress in accordance with the activity. Shoes and shirts, blouses or tops must be worn for protection and health. Performance dress includes dresses, skirt and blouse, dress shirts with jacket or sweaters depending on the weather. Please see packing guidelines for suggestions on what to bring.
6. Meals will be served in the dining hall only during meal hours. Food is not permitted in living quarters. Please no "Care Packages" as they attract insects and rodents. The snack bar is opened daily at two different scheduled periods. Food is to be eaten only in designated snack areas and trash disposed of properly.
7. In case of illness, contact your counselor or coach, the nurse or the Dean(s) of Students.
8. Banking hours are maintained daily near the Nature Center. We strongly recommend that students deposit any spending money they bring with them to camp in the bank for safe keeping.
9. Conservation is everyone's business. Turn out lights, save water, pick up litter, and be careful to keep clothing away from heaters.
10. Use or possession of tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, or chemical substances is strictly forbidden. Those who violate this rule are subject to immediate dismissal from Wildwood.
11. All student medications must be registered with the nurse/doctor at the time of student check in. For the safety of our students we can not allow these substances to remain unsupervised in student quarters. Medications will be administered as instructed to students in a discreet manner.
12. Telephone Communication and Usage:The Wildwood Staff encourages parents to send cards and letters. Students enjoy receiving written communication from parents during mail call. Mail is picked up and distributed Monday through Saturday.
A. Since there is only one phone available, students are encouraged not to phone home except in emergencies or by pre-arrangement with the Dean(s). This allows students to make new friends and become fully engaged in the music, recreation and living program.
B. Due to demand for phone time, calls will be limited to two minutes and monitored (Not eaves dropped) in a sense of fairness. Pre-arranged phone calls can be requested by parents at the time of registration.
C. Wildwood Does Not permit students to use Mobile/Cellular/Smart phones or other internet devices while we are in session. We request that these items be left at home for the duration of camp.